In May 2014, Studio Benna worked in collaboration with the Reno office of the American Cancer Society to produce their “Mission Moment” video that would be played during their annual gala dinner event. We interviewed several cancer survivors who had been touched by the American Cancer Society. Opting to focus on the stories and the faces of these brave folks, Studio Benna chose a simple production aesthetic: the infinite white cyc wall on the main production stage in their Reno video production facility.
Our special thanks to all the interviewees and to the Reno American Cancer Society.
Studio Benna also produced this interview with Dr. Subhash Verma, a cancer researcher working out of the University of Nevada-Reno who was a recepient of American Cancer Society funds. This video was played during the 2014 Reno ACS gala event as well. In this clip, Dr. Verma explains his research, his motivations for his work, and offers thanks for the help he has received from ACS donors.